Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Positive People

"The language of friendship is not words but meanings" -Henry David Thoreau

Who are the positive people in your life? I want to take this opportunity to talk about the importance of having positive energy in the form of people in your life.

I believe we have certain people in our lives to give us the chi we need for balance. It is important to focus on building your inner strength and knowing your own true self, but I think it is equally as important to recognize the people in your life that make you who you are. We're not on this path alone. We stumble across and accumulate people along the way, much like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz."

Unfortunately there are times when we need to take some time and introspect as to whether we are engaging in healthy give and take relationships. It's very easy to fall into a person's negative energy trap. We call these people "energy vampires." It takes some strength to realize it, and even more strength to rise and fight against it.

Questions to ask yourself:
Does this person make me feel good about myself?
Am I happy when I am around this person?
Does this person improve my life and does it seem like I am improving theirs?
How does this person make me feel? Energized? Tired? Angry? Frustrated? Inspired?

I'm not saying it is a good idea to abandon a friend if you truly care about them, but I think it is important to make sure you are not hurting yourself for the sake of "friendship." Any relationship that makes you feel bad about yourself is not a healthy one. That may be a bold statement, but I think it's a fair one.

This is becoming a much more personalized blog than my last posts, so I might as well keep going with it. I will give you some examples of positive people in my life:

Ira- who I not only share a loving, romantic relationship (and all the wonderful things that come along with that... best saved for another post), but can also engage in thoughtful conversation with especially about philosophy.

Andrea- who I bond with spiritually and whom I have a non-judgemental, all accepting friendship with

Beth S- who has opened brand new doors for a newly single girl, who is an unconditional friend, and lots of fun to hang around with

Chasity- who makes me feel calm and balanced whenever we hang out and can have a fun or just a peaceful night with.

Patrick, Beth, Aaron- all of whom I share my deep love of the theatre with, and when joined together along with Andrea we create magical things

Scott- who I share my love and passion for music with, a great friend I can truly rely on.

So I am a lucky girl. With all of these relationships I feel open, healthy, and loved. Time to be grateful. Who are on your positive people list? =)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this :) That Thoreau quote is perfect.
