Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Getting back on track...

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Forgive me if this post is a little scattered.  It's been a year since I last posted and I have so many thoughts swimming around in this crazy brain of mine!

A friend told me the quote I posted above and it really struck a chord with me.  Lately I've felt off track not knowing quite what was wrong.  I have so many things in my life to be grateful for: love, safety, health, yet there has been something missing.  I've felt like I've shut the door to the spiritual side of my life.  Well, maybe not completely shut... I think I left it ajar.  I've been wandering around trying to figure out how and why this happened.  A moment of clarity this weekend (thanks to an awesome yoga/acupuncture session) helped me to understand what has been going on.  I lost touch with my intent.  I have been ignoring the driving force that I have always believed got me to where I am today.  I closed my eyes to the Universal Life Energy (ULE).

I've been carrying Wayne Dyer's "Power of Intention" in my bag the past week or so and barely read the first few pages.  Last night I cracked it open again, highlighter in hand, and began to reopen that partially closed door.  Today has been one of reflection on why I believe in ULE and what it has done for me thus far in my life.

I'm not one to just believe something for the hell of it.  I have to believe with my mind but also my heart.  I have to experience it to truly accept it.  After getting my Reiki attunement which helped me first get in touch with ULE (chi, ki, prana... etc) I started on my path.  By allowing myself to be inspired and motivated I had amazing experiences and got a chance to work with even more amazing people.  These people have been my teachers and I owe them more than I could ever repay in this lifetime.  By being open I attracted positive energy and experiences and people.

I've hit some rough patches over the past couple years.  I felt like I was drowning and with it created a negative bubble around me.  I truly believe we can be our "own worst enemy" and I certainly was.  By not trusting myself and ignoring that spiritual side of me that was trying to shine through I created a Keryn full of confusion and self-consciousness.  We have to see the darkness to truly appreciate the light, right?

So here I am, Oct 31, 2012 and I'm ready to begin again.  I don't have a rule book, no dogma to follow.  I am Keryn E. Kwan and I believe what I believe.  I'm starting this blog again to share my views and experiences and I hope to open up the comments as a forum to hear what you, my friends, have to say.  I want to know what inspires you and the struggles you fight against.  Please join in!

In love and health,
